They come in
the night pleasantly disturbingly, horrid at times. They come and go and at
times they tend to hang around and haunt you until you lose sleep through them.
Wake up sweaty in the cold darkness of the night. I suppose if you were to let
them carry on you would end up losing your mind or something. I had this exact
experience many years back . Thinking about it now the alcohol I would consume
could not have helped all that much. The dreams came most nights some more
vivid than others but come they did . After to many dreams to remember I
decided to start writing them down, until I had a stack of A4 paper you could
not see over.
reading rereading and rewriting some of the pages, I finally came up with
around 30,000 word manuscript. I put it to one side for a number of years. Till
one day I was searching my drawers for some paper to write on and come across
it again. I had nothing better to do so I sat down with a cupper and read it
again. I thought to myself I am sure I went school and learnt to read and
write, some of the mistakes were ‘ not worth mentioning’ once again I found
myself rewriting a few lines here and there. page after page until I came up
with what I thought would be a fairly good story for a first time writer.
The hard work started finding someone to publish my work. Finally after a long
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